What are the payment methods valid on MYVILLANELLE?

Accepted payments:

  • Bank card (Visa, Master Card, Banker’s card, Amex, Diners Club, Maestro, JCB)
  • Paypal
  • Classic bank transfer
  • If you buy an item from one of our partner stores, payment methods may not be available.

    Are my online payments secure?

    Shop with confidence at Myvillanelle.com with the guarantee of maximum security. Myvillanelle.com pays attention to security issues regarding online payment. Your bank data is transmitted to our server encrypted by the SSL protocol (Secure Socket Layer) via the Stripe solution. Myvillanelle.com is not aware of your card number and does not store numbers on its server. As a result, no one has computer or print access to the bank details of their customers.

    What if my online payment is declined?

    If your credit card has been declined, it may be due to one of these reasons:

    • You made a mistake in entering your PIN
    • You made an error in entering the expiration date of your card or its security code (cryptogram)
    • Your name and address do not match those registered by your bank
    • The bank has refused payment for security reasons
    • Your account has not not enough funds to cover the payment
    • Please contact your bank or credit institution if you would like more information if payment is declined. We invite you to contact us later if your bank does not provide you with a satisfactory explanation.

      When is the payment of a pre-order due?

      As for a classic order, the payment is due to the passage of the order.